A Nightmare on Elm Street Deluxe Collector’s Card Set 1991 withXL T-Shirt RARE

A Nightmare on Elm Street Deluxe Collector's Card Set 1991 withXL T-Shirt RARE
A Nightmare on Elm Street Deluxe Collector's Card Set 1991 withXL T-Shirt RARE
A Nightmare on Elm Street Deluxe Collector's Card Set 1991 withXL T-Shirt RARE
A Nightmare on Elm Street Deluxe Collector's Card Set 1991 withXL T-Shirt RARE
A Nightmare on Elm Street Deluxe Collector's Card Set 1991 withXL T-Shirt RARE
A Nightmare on Elm Street Deluxe Collector's Card Set 1991 withXL T-Shirt RARE
A Nightmare on Elm Street Deluxe Collector's Card Set 1991 withXL T-Shirt RARE
A Nightmare on Elm Street Deluxe Collector's Card Set 1991 withXL T-Shirt RARE
A Nightmare on Elm Street Deluxe Collector's Card Set 1991 withXL T-Shirt RARE
A Nightmare on Elm Street Deluxe Collector's Card Set 1991 withXL T-Shirt RARE
A Nightmare on Elm Street Deluxe Collector's Card Set 1991 withXL T-Shirt RARE
A Nightmare on Elm Street Deluxe Collector's Card Set 1991 withXL T-Shirt RARE
A Nightmare on Elm Street Deluxe Collector's Card Set 1991 withXL T-Shirt RARE
A Nightmare on Elm Street Deluxe Collector's Card Set 1991 withXL T-Shirt RARE
A Nightmare on Elm Street Deluxe Collector's Card Set 1991 withXL T-Shirt RARE
A Nightmare on Elm Street Deluxe Collector's Card Set 1991 withXL T-Shirt RARE

A Nightmare on Elm Street Deluxe Collector's Card Set 1991 withXL T-Shirt RARE
This is probably one of the rarest Nightmare franchise items. I got this when I was 14 through the ad shown in the last photo (ad not included). I luckily got the edition with the T-Shirt and boiler room box. I’ve kept it in as good of shape as I have been able to over the past 33 years. Finding one in as good of condition or better I don’t think would be possible. I’ve only found one on bloodydisgusting. Com. So here is your chance to own the elusive Deluxe Box set! BTW, the cards are in mint condition and only looked at once in 1991 and then taken out for the photo a couple days ago.
A Nightmare on Elm Street Deluxe Collector's Card Set 1991 withXL T-Shirt RARE

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